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Bishop Family

sweet okanagan family session overlooking skaha lake


A quick family visit at the end of summer brought the opportunity to herd my sister and her adorable family into a last-minute little family shoot!

I've had the pleasure of documenting their growing family from my sister's first pregnancy up til now on an almost yearly basis. It used to require waiting for their yearly summer visit to family in the Okanagan, but they moved out to Kelowna themselves this July so I'm super stoked to have them much closer!

It took some cajoling and tears to get everyone in place, and some careful avoiding of the endemic tiny cactus-balls that grow around the area, but we got there in the end! It's tough being 4! 

Loving this scenic spot overlooking Skaha lake south of Penticton and hoping to get back out there and shoot more in the Okanagan ASAP!


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